Block Project Funding

We continuously work with representatives from blocks within the Association's boundaries to fund block projects and the parties that go along with them. Past block projects have included installation of porch lights, purchasing plants and planters, tree plantings, etc. And when our neighbors have put so much time into a project, it only makes sense to help fund a party to reward the neighbors and volunteers that helped make that project a success. If you are interested in organizing a block project, please contact our treasurer.

EXAMPLE: Cafe Light Funding

The Highland Community Association (HCA) has received a grant from BGE to support adding cafe lights to the outside of residential homes in Highlandtown. The HCA will not fund 100% of the project. There is a formula based on the number of houses participating and there is a cap on the total.

Each group will have to decide on a rough budget and determine what they can perform and what tasks they will seek help with. Obviously the money will go further if the group does most of the work themselves*. Here's a list of tasks for interested neighbors.

  • Get buy-in from neighbors. A resident will have to organize their block. Cafe lights must be attached to the front of houses and supported about 10 feet above the curb on trees or posts. They require an electrical source**. They require money. They look best when they are in front of numerous, contiguous houses. It is necessary to get acceptance of and willingness to actively support and participate in the cafe lights project.

  • Begin a discussion with the HCA.

  • Create a proposal. Describe how many houses are involved. Make a list of materials. Make a budget.

  • Apply for a grant.

  • Get HCA approval. The HCA will tell you how much you'll get from the fund, which will allow you to make a final budget.

  • Install cafe lights. Collect money from your neighbors, purchase the materials, and install the lights.

  • Request reimbursement. The HCA will reimburse pre-approved groups who submit receipts & pictures for our funder, up to the maximum approved. Once your project is completed, you must submit documentation showing that the work was completed and thereby releasing the funding to you.

* The HCA is able to put residents in contact with a reliable installer. He has done installations in Highlandtown and is able to provide an estimate and a list of parts, including Amazon & Home Depot item numbers.

** HCA does NOT provide electrical advice for your power source, except to say that power should come via a GFI outlet.

NOTE: Cafe Light installations are the property and responsibility of the residents associated with each installation. The HCA is able to offer limited guidance and some funding support, but will have no responsibility for installing or maintaining safe and sound Cafe Light installations.


Q&A with Butcher’s Hill Community Association

Subject:  Café Lights Installation

How much did the lighting cost? Did you develop any budgets? Who covered the costs?

  • They have two programs, one in the alleys and one down the streets from trees to houses. They both cost between $150-175 per house on average.  

  • Residents paid for the lights and the association has partially subsidized some of the alley lights.

Who did the install?  

  • Local residents installed the lights. Because local residents did the install, they were able to keep prices down.  If  you use an electrician, the cost will be significantly more.  

Did everyone have to “buy in” (financially or just with approval) on the block or just the homes that volunteered to be anchor points?

  • They asked every house to pay, and needed buy in from everyone unless they were able to skip their house. See attached document “Café Lights Project Plan”

Is there a maintenance plan? Who will be responsible for broken or fallen lights - especially in case of a storm?

  • No, not really. They are going to play it by ear. But, maintenance will be the responsibility of the block and the residents.

What happens if there is a change in property ownership?

  • not sure what happens when someone moves out. if we are asked to remove the lights we can.

Did you get buy in from rental properties?

  • yes we reached out to tenants and rental property owners. and typically get full buy in from rental owners

Did you seek permits from the City?

  • They felt a minor privilege permit wasn’t required.

How many block have been done?

  • about 16-18 different installations

Visual Aid Cafe Light Installation 200120.jpg

Summary of Technical Details Associated with Installation
A lot of what they did, they learned by doing it.  They did not work with professional installers or electricians and did not seek permits from the City.  (they did have to hire an electrician when they needed to install a GFI outlet for some of the alley lights).  

A key to being able to string the lights is having strong enough/mature trees around which to wrap the guy wires.  The lights can then be strung from the guy wires to the homes.  Additionally, there is a certain way to wrap wires around trees so that you don't kill the tree.  (apparently lights can kill trees).

-- if there aren't enough locations to which to lights can be anchored, then the cafe lighting would not be doable.  Off the top of my head, Gough St - leading up to the Pint- would be a good candidate. 

Certain home owners agreed to be the electrical supplier. Plugs for the lights were funneled through upper story windows.  Lights had timers.

The cost for providing the electricity so far doesn’t seem to be too much.

Each bulb is less than 1 watt. The strand has 24 bulbs, so an installation over 10 houses is about 3-4 60 watt bulbs.  I.E. he said he doesn’t notice a difference in their bill.

The cost varied by block -- it depended on the size of the string of lights and the number of people who participated on the block.  On average, the cost was $175/house I believe, but some blocks were more.  Before a price can be determined, a block needs to be selected, someone has to figure out how lights could be strung and then develop a budget based on the needs of the block.  So, budget first, then cost by house second.

What brand of string lights did you use?  Or, how much was each strand & the length? 48' lengths.